WATCH: Most clear and shocking video footage of a UFO you will EVER see
Then a finger is seen to point out of the window and towards the top-right of the screen.
Judging by what is implied is about to pass over head, the cameraman remains very calm and silent.
At 11 seconds in an aeroplane-like noise is heard before a huge classic movie-style flying saucer flies over the road as if descending to land.
It goes out of view again beyond trees and undergrowth at 13 seconds, before the noise changes to an echoing boom before stopping.
If it were not a fake, it would be the most sensational UFO video captured to date.
There she blows: Huge saucer does quick flyover in the video.
One of the greatest burdens that UFO investigators have to bear, in the course of their collecting and investigating sighting reports submitted by members of the public, is the deluge of apparently false reports and cases of mistaken identity that have to
MUFON, based in the USA, is the world’s largest organisation dedicated to the investigation of alien abductions and UFO sightings and footage.
But the organisation has previously admitted that it does get inundated with hoax footage by pranksters and other individuals, which in some cases have to undergo initial assessment, tying up investigators.
The organisation accepts that this is one of the pitfalls of being an organisation dedicated to such research.