Harvard Researchers Believe This Cigar-Shaped UFO May Be An Alien Craft
Interestingly, if you follow the fact that there has been a deep coverup for decades around the UFO subject, you note that one of the ways forward for those involved in the coverup is to slowly disclose this information in a way that doesn’t incriminate anyone in a negative way. So we see small drip disclosures, little narratives coming out about how there may be ET’s, there may be craft, we may know more about our true past etc, yet we don’t see full on admissions of what they know and have known for literally decades.
That type of disclosure has been left to the whistleblowers who come out of these programs having worked on and seen the depths of these coverups. They are now doing the service of trying to speed along disclosure to the public, so that government can’t continue to hide it.
Are you one that truly researches the UFO and ET reality? Or are you one that criticizes it and gets information from the mainstream only? For me, I believe the implications of disclosure are huge and an important next step for humanity, but we must be open to exploring these truths, and not simply cast them off as ‘weird’ or ‘out there’.