The Man Who Shook The World: “Cancer Can Be Treated In Less Than Minutes!” This Man Demonstrated It!
“Theory of Cancer” was started by an American man named Gregg Braden and it has gone viral all over the world. This theory will help you learn how the state of people’s minds actually can change human DNA. Moreover, you will also learn how the power of our thoughts can treat different ailments. Besides being physically healthy, a good connection between the spirit and the person is also very important.
Gregg believes that people only need 3 minutes to treat cancer. A magazine called “Nature” explains this scientifically. On the other hand, many studies discovered that our emotions and ways of thinking are extremely important in the electromagnetic field and the waves reach up to one meter from us. According to some experts, in the future, people will have the ability to produce electrical energy only by expressing thoughts.
The person will create a skill for healing illnesses when it will be able to carry out these thoughts collectively. An audio-visual product that was recorded in a Chinese hospital helped some scientists to demonstrate this and a carcinogenic tumor got reduced up to 2.5 times the size it was in less than 3 minutes. Ultrasound scan showed the process on the screen.
In order to be able to create powerful electromagnetic radiation and control as well as improve them with training, you need to be able to learn how to drain your emotions. Our emotions and feelings are in fact mirrors, which is why everything that we have inside goes out externally, thus surrounding the ambiance where we create and live. Due to the fact that our DNA absorbs everything, we need to be extremely cautious about what we say or feel. For instance, if we tend to change something inside us, then our DNA will change as well. In order to change our life to the greatest extent, we need to strongly believe and put that belief into our emotions and thoughts.