12 Daily Habits That Harm Our Health Little by Little
Everyone knows that habits like smoking or eating a lot of junk food can have a negative impact on our health, but there are a lot of lesser-known harmful habits that have become a part of our everyday lives.
We compiled 12 of the most common daily habits that slowly and silently rattle our health.
1. Keeping your wallet in your back pocket

This will eventually create an asymmetry that can disrupt your spine’s normal alignment. Sitting on your wallet for long periods can cause chronic back pain, sciatica, and functional scoliosis.
2. Bringing electronics into bed with you

Not only does regularly using electronic devices before bed hurt the quality of our sleep, but it also causes us to gain weight and provokes daytime fatigue. It also affects our productivity levels, learning capabilities, and stress levels. Isolating yourself from electronic devices for at least an hour before going to bed can greatly improve your sleep quality and preserve your health.
3. Washing your hands with hot water

While it is known that hot water kills bacteria, there is a wrong perception about that. Hot water doesn’t kill bacteria — scalding and nearly boiling water does, which is why medical instruments are boiled in order to be sterilized. Given that washing your hands with boiling water isn’t an option, using cold water is by far the better alternative. Why? Because washing your hands with warm water will soften your skin, making your hands more vulnerable to germs.
4. Drinking from plastic bottles

For example, if you leave the bottle in your car on a hot day, the superficial layers of the plastic may release a toxic chemical (bisphenol A) which can contaminate the water you are drinking. This chemical can affect your endocrine system and increase your risk of endometriosis and breast cancer.
5. Consuming your food too quickly

Fast eaters are also more likely to overeat, since it takes approximately 20 minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to transmit signals of being full. So, you may be full and keep on eating, but you may not know it since your brain doesn’t have enough time to react and recognize that you are full.
6. Brushing your teeth right after eating

Thankfully, our bodies have a way of balancing the high acid levels with the help of our saliva, but that takes time. So, brushing your teeth right after eating means you’re attacking your teeth, even if you use a soft toothbrush. It’s best to let the saliva do its job and balance the high acid levels before you brush your teeth. The better alternative would be to rinse your mouth with water or chew sugarless gum while you wait for your teeth to recuperate.
7. Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs

It is actually recommended that you leave the earwax alone, and let it fall out naturally. The earwax works like a filter for the ear canal, preventing dust and dirt from entering into it. Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs makes the ears vulnerable to pollution. Still, if you feel the need to clean your ears, cleaning them with a towel will suffice.
8. Using a hand dryer

The results of this study indicate that many types of bacteria, including spores and pathogens, can be transferred onto your hands. The best thing to do would be to avoid using hand dryers and dry your hands the good old-fashioned way, by using a paper towel.
9. Drinking too much juice

The reason why drinking too much juice is harmful to us is because it contains high levels of fructose. It doesn’t matter what type of juice you’re drinking, because even the highest quality juices still contain a significant dose of sugar.
10. Consuming too much salt

While salt is vital for our health, it makes our bodies retain water, and the extra water raises our blood pressure. Ultimately, high blood pressure may strain your heart, arteries, and kidneys.
11. Sleeping too much

The right amount of sleep varies from one person to another, but the general benchmark of good sleep is somewhere between 7-9 hours. Consider this to be the optimal sleeping pattern. Too much sleep on a regular basis has been linked to higher rates of mortality, depression, heart disease, obesity, and impaired brain functioning.
12. Sitting down all day

Translated into health outcomes, this means that sitting too much is connected to health problems like premature mortality, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. If your job involves sitting for the better part of the day, try taking a break from sitting every 30 minutes, stand while talking on the phone, or go for a few short walks to minimize the negative effects of sitting too much.
Which of these habits are on your list of daily activities? Can you think of any other dangerous habits that would fit into this selection? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.