
He Refuses Chemoterapy, Lived More Than His Doctors and Today He Is 102 Years Old. This Man Has Finally Revealed The Cure For Cancer!

Real Story How to Live Longer and Fight the Diseases Like a Cancer


This is an amazing life story about a person who was suffering from lung cancer and how he survives it. But that’s not just survival, he is now 102 years old.

42 years ago, (1976) this man was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer. He immediately started seeking a proper treatment for this terrible disease. He was advised by nine different doctors to start immediately with a chemotherapy or he will die in six months. health, medicine, diet, nutrition, science, 

He decided to refuse this method of healing and returned to his birthplace in Greece. At the beginning he became depressed and his wife and mother took care of him. However, after a short period of time, something unbelievable happened to him.

Realizing that he has little time to live, he decided to be more active. He immediately started climbing on a hill visiting the Greek Orthodox Church. Accompanied by two bottles of homemade wine, he was spending hours talking with the locals there. For a short period of time, he started feeling stronger and he decided to plant his own garden. health, medicine, diet, nutrition, science, 

Opposite of his expectation, he began to work so much, to wake up early and spent the whole day in the air. His favorite dishes were with vegetables from his garden. He spent night’s hours in the local bar to play dominoes, and day by day the time flew by so fast. He was feeling healthier than ever. health, medicine, diet, nutrition, science, 

He, also succeed to renovate his own house and his garden granted him annually up to 1.500 liters of home-made wine.

When he turned 97 years, he decided to visit the doctors in the hospital, however, his doctors were not there, they passed away.

So you can see, this man did not undergo chemotherapy so he extended his life for many years. His real decision was to move to the countryside, and he lived for 102 years and died a natural death.

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