
NASA Has Calculated The Date Of Death Of All Life On Our Planet

NASA’s large-scale computer simulations have demonstrated how long it will take humanity to find another planet.

Scientists believe humanity can’t feel totally safe. We will need to act quickly to save the entire civilization from its destruction. The Sun will eventually destroy everything else.

Scientists have attempted to determine when solar radiation will cause the destruction of the earth’s atmosphere. Scientists have used computer simulations to simulate all possible scenarios.

However, there are many factors that can change the date. While some assumptions may not have anything to do with reality as they point out, science requires that all possibilities be considered.

Experts can discuss accurate measurements because the computer model has been run more than 400 times. Deoxygenation will be inevitable due to solar activity. This process will be completed in 1,000,002,021 years

. These terms will change over the course of our existence because the environmental impact is increasing. Experts believe that there is a need to search urgently for a new planet. We have billions of years to do this.

Scientists are confident that there will be a solution.

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