
2020 Oscar Predictions Based on a Pure Science

The Reddit user rushworld has a well-developed system with nearly 90% accuracy for Oscar winner predictions.

The system uses a combination of award season wins and prediction websites and aggregates that data together to predict a winner. The difference between previous system versions and this year is based on how well they’ve performed in the past.

For example:

BAFTA winners predict Oscars winners 61.90% of the time. Golden Globes winners predict Oscars winners 68.15% of the time. Indiewire predicts Oscars winners 68.90% correctly. NY Film Critics Awards predict winners 22.75% correctly. SF Film Critics Awards predict winners 36.65% correctly.

So, here are the Oscars 2020 Predictions based on the rushworld system: 


And here is an example of pie charts showing how the system calculates Best Picture


What do you think about this? Share with us your thoughts and predictions about this year’s Academy Awards winners.

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