
Lawsuit Reveals NSA Received 29 “Extraterrestrial Messages” From Space, A Long Time Ago

The picture above represents a broadcast (known as the “Arecibo” message), put together by Carl Sagan and colleagues that was sent into space via radio waves at a special ceremony to celebrate the remodelling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. It’s speculative, for sure, but the information below, is not. This article pertains to a real deal document.

Strange signals detected from outer space are becoming quite popular, especially within the past couple of years alone. Here’s one of several studies positing that some of these signals could be from an intelligent extraterrestrial source.

Scientists have discovered six more bursts of radio signals coming from a place in deep space outside our galaxy from where similar signals were detected earlier this year and in 2012. From this specific location, a total of 17 such radio signals have been received, and given their nature, there is also heavy speculation about whether we are being ‘contacted’ by some type of extra-terrestrial life form.

This article touches upon an NSA document that was released via a lawsuit. Rumours around the internet say the agency was ordered to declassify the document in 2004, but did not officially release it until 2011, which they did so quietly. Not many details are available about the document, except for the fact that it is real, and published in the NSA database via their technical journal.

It’s titled “Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages,” and a gentleman by the name of “H. Campaigne” attempts to decode the messages.

It states:

“Dr. Campaigne  presented a series of 29 messages from outer space…The following article develops a key to these messages.”

A paragraph from the Appendix reads as follows:

“Recently, a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again.”

Towards the end of the document, the author states that “we have penetrated the meaning of basic symbols, and even more important, have learned some of the syntax rules- of the notation, and have caught mistakes in the process. We have a few words for sophisticated concepts, and given more data, with a little labor, we could establish its translation.”

There was no document to be found that actually describes what exactly they found out, and what that translation was.

Quite interesting to say the least.

Keep in mind, this is one of thousands of documents that have been released via FOIA requests, and dozens of global intelligence agencies and governments have now released hundreds of thousands of pages of documents that discuss possible extraterrestrial beings.

For example, here (page 21 & 22) is an FBI document in the form of a memorandum, addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.”

The document is a letter that was sent to the director of the FBI in Washington from the San Fransisco office, on a matter pertaining to UFOs & extraterrestrials.

“Lt. Colonel (name redacted) of G2 [G2 means army intelligence], San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington.”

The document goes on to provide a copy of a letter written by someone with “several university degrees” and a former “university department head.”

It contemplates an extraterrestrial presence visiting us.

There is also an important distinction to be made from the UFO phenomenon, and the extraterrestrial phenomena, although there is sufficient evidence to show that, at least in some cases, they are interrelated.  That being said, may of of these “UFOs” could be, and probably are, highly sophisticated, black budget (Special Access Programs, human craft).

The existence of UFOs has been officially verified, and thousands of military records show that they are commonly tracked on radar, and perform maneuvers and travel at speeds that no known aircraft can travel.  This seems to have started a long time ago, in Germany, and the CIA was keeping tabs.

Here’s a great example straight from its archive:

“A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.” 

There are hundreds of cases, and it’s something that still happens today. A quite popular incident comes from Tehran, Iran. This incident occurred on the night of September 18th, 1976. A four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describes the encounter in detail. Furthermore, both of the pilots involved discussed the event years later.

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